TikTok Ads: What’s In It for Ethiopian Businesses in 2024?

TikTok in Ethiopia
September 24, 2024 by
TikTok Ads: What’s In It for Ethiopian Businesses in 2024?
Dagnachew Berhanu


Think about the ability to influence millions of Ethiopian young people, tech-savvy, with only fifteen seconds of video. China’s TikTok has rearranged the world of commerce in the way different firms consider their consumers and now Ethiopia is a part of the heated-up craze too. This is evidenced by that most of TikTok users are below 30 years of age meaning that this social media platform is the perfect ground of reaching the core of Ethiopia future consumers. Are you in a position to find out how a viral video uploaded today will propel your brand to the next level? Now, let us explore the following question: What could TikTok ads offer for your business in 2024? 

TikTok Ads banner image. Logo and text saying "TikTok Ads"

TikTok is a relatively new social network that offers funny and useful videos for its users. But it is not only the platform where people go to watch different varieties of dances and perform comedic factors such as the famous ‘funny challenges’ TikTok started proving as a successful marketing platform for companies across the globe. This is why it is a good starting point for the Ethiopian business to invest in the new generation of consumers on the TikTok platform is a good one. Specifically, the right strategy shows that the TikTok ads can transform the ways businesses in Ethiopia interact with audiences beyond the year 2024.

Thus, what benefits are businesses getting out of this? The following must however provide a discourse on how TikTok Advertisement can assist organizations to gain brand awareness, reputation and engagement in the dynamic market of Ethiopia.

TikTok in Ethiopia:

A Rising Star TikTok has increasingly become popular in Ethiopia and most other African countries. This is a phenomenon that has made the platform to grow greatly due to the fact that it combines creativity with convenience.  Unlike other social networks where people invest time, energy, and sometimes money to attract attention and become popular within a few weeks or even days, TikTok takes most of the popular videos and is the most appropriate site for real and creative videos to go viral.  Gradually, TikTok is becoming one of the most commonly used social media applications in the country where the use of mobile internet is gradually rising in Ethiopia.

A report compiled in 2024 shows that more than 24 million Ethiopians are using internet connection and Mobile Internet Usage is anticipated to grow still in 2024. With this enhanced connectedness, more and more people are using the platform and especially the millennials between the ages of 16 and 30. Specifically, TikTok will be relevant for business targeting the age group interested in their products or services with the aim of creating brand awareness and loyalty.

a woman on the mobile screenshot from TikTok application.

In addition, the culture of Ethiopia embraces the information shared in the TikTok app. Ethiopian music, dance, fashion and even comedy performances are captivated both in the country and all over the world. By using such cultural values and incorporating them into the potentials offered by the platform, businesses get an opportunity to develop the content that will draw the audience’s interest.

TikTok’s biggest advantage for businesses is that it has a highly interactive and broadly reaching audience. Nonetheless, the most compelling argument for why Ethiopian businesses ought to consider using TikTok ads is that the application is popular.   It is unlike social media apps such as Facebook and Instagram where the app displays the content shared by friends and pages the user follows to the feed no matter the user’s interaction with the app. This implies that your advertisement could reach out to more people depending on the content that you have placed them in and if interesting and unique as in the one you have placed.

Another on the plus side is the ‘interactivity’ that is offered by TikTok to that extent. This audience is also actively involved with TikTok in which people spend almost 52 minutes each day, with TikTok ranking among the stickiest social media apps. In the case of Ethiopian businesses, this high level of engagement implies more time to secure the attention of the users and promoting interaction can yield.

More so, TikTok ads help the Ethiopian businesses to promote themselves to several groups, interests, and other characteristics. Whether you own a small business that serves the customers within your state or own a big business that could export its goods across the continent, TikTok ad platform help you get to the right audience. For instance, you may have a clothing brand and you want to target the users in fashion or style. Local cafés are a typical example; in this case, it is possible to organize geospecific advertisement campaigns in order to attract the visitors.

Different TikTok Ad Formats & their Advantages

TikTok has several ad types, each of which was designed for specific marketing purposes and objectives. Here are the most popular TikTok ad types and how Ethiopian businesses can use them:

In-Feed Ads

In-feed ads are 15-second videos that are integrated within a viewer’s FYP, and are practically indistinguishable from regular content. These ads provide a perfect platform where any business can present their products or services in an interesting manner. In-feed advertisement can be helpful to Ethiopian business owners to inform the customers on promotion, new product introduction, or even customer’s testimonial or compliments. Since most of them do not appear to be like those typical advertisements that appear like advertisements but rather post which users could click the like button and share, such advertisements generate a lot of traffic.

Branded Hashtag Challenges

Thus, the branded hashtag challenges are yet other creative approaches that the businesses are employing to encourage the UGC. TikTok Brands can, for instance, invite users to participate in the challenge created using a specific branded hashtag in a branded hashtag challenge. For example, the Ethiopian coffee brand could encourage people to share a video on how they take their coffee with a particular hash tag.

Such challenges have this characteristic of ‘going viral’ because users are forced to engage with the brand in a humorous way. In this case, brands receive visibility with the bigger group of people getting engaged in the promotions. To sum up, for the considering of Ethiopian businesses to enhance their brand popularity and create community, the branded hashtag challenges’ applicability is considerable.

Branded Effects

Branded effects are AR (Augmented Reality) features that may be developed by the businesses and made available for users to incorporate into their videos. These could be the 3D effects, stickers or filters that depict your logo, colors and other as affiliated themes. For instance, an Ethiopian fashion selling firm, could condition a filter that will make the user use attires from their stores, virtually. Branded effects are tangible and fun to use; the user engages with the brand yet is simultaneously prompted to ‘put something out there as well’.

Top View Ads

Top View ads are paid advertisement that take the maximum location upon the opening of the TikTok application for the consumers. They are useful when it is desired to attain a very high frequency of brand exposure in a relatively very short period of time which is synonymous with mass advertising. Expensive when compared to other types of ad formats but Top View ads guarantee presenting your content to the users immediately after they launch Omegle, which may be good for companies with significant advertising budgets.

Earlier, it is crucial for every brand and business to identify its Unique Selling Proposition and most importantly for this platform and social networking site called TikTok, it’s USP for the Ethiopian brands.

Therefore, TikTok provides several uniqueness in Ethiopia’s advertisement market than the usual platforms like radio, TV, and newspaper ads. The greatest benefits of using this system involves its cost efficiency. Although TikTok advertising may be cheaper than advertising in other related media, the discovery range that it offers is much broader. Big brands are not the only ones who are capable of coming up with campaigns that could immediately go viral regardless of the budget.

It also, of course, contains the seeds of creativity, since TikTok offers its users a lot of freedom of action. That means brands can succeed even without highly paid production teams or state-of-the-art equipped studios. Instead, authenticity, storytelling and creativity are important components in content marketing. As you may have noticed most trending TikTok videos are shot using the smartphone or tablet camera. Thus, with a very low entry threshold, TikTok has become appealing for experimentation for small and mid-sized Ethiopian businesses.

That is, another major advantage of the platform is its capacity for viral content. TikTok’s recommendation system is based on how engaging a video is, and how creative, so any company, even a small one, can easily create a viral video. Content related to Ethiopian culture, music, comedy, and celebrities can be produced and shared with the Ethiopian audience by the Ethiopian businesses.

Things that Ethiopian Businesses Need to Consider while Implementing TikTok Ads

If you’re new to TikTok advertising, don’t worry — it’s way easier to get into advertising on the app than you may believe. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to launching your first TikTok ad campaign:

Create a TikTok Business Account: 

To begin with, create an account on TikTok Business to enable one to run ads on the various platform.

Set Up TikTok Ads Manager: 

TikTok Ads Manager is the place where you will be posting your advertisements and settings up your advertisement campaigns. Concerning the comforts, it comes with an easily navigable surface and therefore it will only take about an hour to create the respective campaign, select the niche and put down the amount of money required for the respective ads.

Define Your Target Audience: 

Use the features of the TikTok targeting that let the user to specify data based on the demographic data, interests and activities. Also make sure your ad content is prepared for Ethiopia so that you can appeal to their culture, or even their language.

Create Engaging Content: 

Also, do not forget while using TikTok, and it concerns creativity and self-identity or, to be more precise. Your ad notices should be brief, attention-catching and entertaining. Appeal to the local population by using the recent Ethiopian music trend, a joke or a trending event.

Measure Your Results: 

There are several parameters, which should be tracked and analyzed when the campaign is running to prove its efficiency on TikTok. Keep track of the level of engagement for users, other statistics such as the outreach rate and conversion rate to enhance subsequent advertising efforts.

TikTok marketing in Ethiopia: Opportunities and Threats

However, it is also pertinent that the Ethiopian businesses that uses TikTok should know the various dangers that are associated with TikTok. Internet congestion however is still a challenge which is experienced by some parts of Ethiopia. Ad teams must also consider the needs of the ‘slow web’ audience for brands that are advertising on social media apps.

Other aspects are cultural connotations that should also be considered to a corresponding extent. It is also crucial to find out more about the specific target audience and what their features can be: acceptable, popular, or gaged as politically incorrect.

Last but not least, there are companies that became digital and then took the stage of adaptation and acquiring some experience. However, care should be taken to note that it will not be long before the Ethiopian businesses adapt into it hence benefiting from this powerful advertising platform.


2024 TikTok give Ethiopian firms the best chance of marketing to a young and active population. Therefore, the versatility of the advertisement location, the lack of high expenses on the creation and the advertisement launch, and the usage of the virus type of popularity make TikTok efficient for the brands in Ethiopia. With TikTok, you can get all the resources you need whether you are a newcomer who has just started a business or a brand that aims to develop further. Are you willing to start your TikTok journey? So get right in and witness your business fly high!